Welcome, Helium Podcast Listeners!

I’d like to give you a free copy of my productivity guide, The Ultimate Daily Checklist, which you can get by entering your info below.


If you scroll below that, you’ll find links to follow me on various social channels and places where I publish content!

The Ultimate Daily Checklist: 13 Steps to Winning the Day

Willpower won't work when chasing your dreams. You need a system that keeps you on track.

This simple 13 point checklist will help you get further faster.

People will think you're superhuman.

Congrats. you're in! Check your email to download your free PDF


These days, most of my writing gets published on Medium.com. Come follow me. I write about a wide varety of topics including personal finance, productivity, and health and well-being.


If video is your thing, you may want to subscribe to my YouTube channel


Short and tweet (I’m not at all sorry about that pun)


I’m on Facebook as well!


All the young people are on Instagram now right?

If you enjoyed the posts about money, you’ll love my book Personal Finance That Works For You: How to Build Wealth, Design Your Future, and Make Money While You Sleep, which is available exclusively on Amazon:

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